Pareto provides good support for client-side rendering


Sometimes, when your website traffic is too high, not using server-side rendering can greatly increase your server's traffic capacity. In Pareto, you can enable this feature by setting enableSpa: true in the pareto.config.ts. When this configuration is enabled, if your URL link contains a __csr parameter and it is truthy, Pareto will only return an empty HTML skeleton from the server, with the remaining content loaded by the client-side JavaScript.

// pareto.config.ts
import { ParetoConfig } from '@paretojs/core/config'

const config: ParetoConfig = {
  enableSpa: true,

export default config

It's important to note that when you start using the SPA capability, you need to determine whether you are currently

in SPA mode and request the corresponding data on the client side. You can refer to this example to accomplish this.